viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

VA - Some Other Colours (Jack Dalton & Gary Montgomery Songs Beyond Colours)

VA - Some Other Colours (Jack Dalton & Gary Montgomery Songs Beyond Colours)

Dalton & Montgomery, The Turtles, Nino Tempo & April Stevens, The Committee, The Peppermint Trolley Company, Aorta, The Moon

Hace un montón de años, quien nos hubiera dicho a Jack, a Gary, a tí y a mi, que en 2010 estaríamos aqui, en este medio tan cercano, tan distante y tan anónimo, recordando y celebrando todas estas canciones que han quedado suspendidas en el tiempo y en el espacio. La tuya y la mía, son historias que, por el momento, no vienen a cuento. Pero esta puede ser una buena ocasión para disfrutar de una parte de la de Jack y de la de Gary.

Juntos escribieron, durante unos cuantos años en su juventud, canciones de un sorprendente nivel. Canciones que reflejaban fielmente la evolución musical de los tiempos, y que tenían por común denominador un impecable buen gusto en su construcción melódica y un fuerte poder evocador. Muchas de ellas fueron grabadas por ellos mismos con su principal proyecto, el grupo Cololurs. Otras fueron editadas por otros artistas, como The Turtles, Nino Tempo & April Stevens, The Committee, The Peppermint Trolley Company, Aorta, o The Moon.

Esta recopilación podría bien ser el complemento del fantástico CD de Colours "Love Heals: The Complete Recordings", editado por Now Sounds/Cherry Red en 2008, y que recoge los dos únicos LPs publicados por el grupo de Jack y de Gary ("Colours", 1968 y "Atmosphere", 1969). Aquí, en nuestra recopilación, reunimos la mayor parte de sus canciones no incluídas alli, y que a buen seguro merecen ser también recuperadas y disfrutadas.

Resulta fascinante participar de la evolución de su música. Desde el northern soul-merseybeat de sus primeras grabaciones para la poderosa Motown, al pop multicolor y arrebatador de cuando comenzaban a despegar, hasta los aromas psicodélicos de su etapa final.

Sorprendentemente, apenas se ha hablado de ellos en ninguna parte. Por eso están aquí. Al alcance de unos pocos clicks.


A bunch of years ago, who would have told us, to Jack, Gary, you and me, that in 2010 we'd be here, in such a close, distant and anonimous media like this one, remembering and celebrating all these songs which have remained suspended in time and space. Yours and mine are stories that, at the moment, are not relevant. But this could be a good moment to enjoy a part of the one of Jack and Gary.

Together, during some years in their youth, they wrote songs of a surprising high level. Songs which were truly reflecting the musical evolution of the times, and which have in common a faultless good taste in their melodic construction and a strong evoking power. Many of them were recorded by themselves with their main project, the band Colours. Other ones were released by other artists, like The Turtles, Nino Tempo & April Stevens, The Committee, The Peppermint Trolley Company, Aorta, or The Moon.

This compilation could well be the complement of the fantastic Colours CD "Love Heals: The Complete Recordings", released by Now Sounds/Cherry Red in 2008, which contains the only two LPs recorded by the band of Jack and Gary ("Colours", 1968 and "Atmosphere", 1969). Here in our comp we're gathering most part of their songs not included there, and which quite surelly also deserve to be recovered and enjoyed.

It's fascinating to participate in the evolution of their music. From the northern soul-merseybeat of their first recordings for the mighty Motown, to the multicoloured and captivating pop of the times when they were starting to take off, and to the psychedelic flavours of their final stage.

Surpisingly, hardly anyone has spoken about them anywhere. That's why they're here. Just a few clicks away.
